The following is a summary of the features our budget will stretch to include as we hit milestones in increments of $2,000. GCS2 Will be a 100% live tournament but the scale of that tournament is entirely in our hands.
All bullet points are features added at each level.
$2,000 Milestone I: Barebones ✔
- Two player live showdown.
- 1st: $800, 2nd: $300
- Basic travel for players (expands at all levels).
- Minimalist live event production
$4,000 Milestone II: Functional ✔
- Increase to four player live tournament.
- 1st: $1,000, 2nd $440, 3rd & 4th: $200
- Modest trophy for winner.
- Signed GCS2 posters for benefactors.
$6,000 Milestone III: Respectable ✔
- 1st: $1,500, 2nd: $660, 3rd & 4th: $300
- GCS2 T-shirts for benefactors.
- A decent trophy for the winner.
- Improved stream production values (music/video).
$8,000 Milestone IV: Target ✔
- Increase to eight player live tournament!
- 1st: $1,500, 2nd: $660, 3rd & 4th: $300, 5th - 8th: $140
- Benefactor vote on the eighth qualifier.
- Competitive show match at event, voted on by benefactors.
$10,000 Milestone V: Victory ✔
- 1st: $1,800, 2nd: $800, 3rd & 4th: $380, 5th - 8th: $170
- $40+ Benefactor tournament for GTX 1080. (no GCS2 players)
- Caster showdown commented on by top players.
- Mega trophy with plate for second place.
$12,000 Milestone VI: Celebration ✔
- 1st: $2,000, 2nd: $900, 3rd & 4th: $400, 5th - 8th: $200
- SEGA will film at the event, with professionally produced highlights. (Reward)
- Community trip to Bovington Tank Museum (13th Sep).
- WW2 themed venue upgrades: 'the bunker' practice area and medals.
$14,000 Milestone VII: Maximum Reached. ✔
As GCS2 is a donation funded group project not a single penny of profit will be made. Therefore we have set the finance limit to $14,000. Our funding above and beyond 12k will be spent on making the live event as good as it possibly can be and creating the best possible weekend for the viewers, staff, attendees, and players.

"All objectives have been met, no further aid shall be necessary" - GCS2 Tiger Ace:
BUDGET DEADLINE - Sunday 29th July
The budget and format will not be set until the last day of qualifying is over.
Like with GCS1 a full and transparent budget will be available once everything is finalised.
Explanations on milestone updates and changes